childcount.helpers ============================== **PLEASE DO NOT PUT INDICATOR LOGIC HERE!!!** The helpers module is *only* for reusable logic that: #. Cannot be elegantly expressed in terms of a :class:`childcount.indicator.Indicator`. #. Are used in many different reports or forms. Any function that operate on lists of :class:`childcount.models.Patient` objects, or that involves DB heavy lifting should probably be written as a :class:`childcount.indicator.Indicator`. That way you get the benefits of caching and the standardized :class:`childcount.indicator.Indicator` interface. childcount.helpers.chw ----------------------- .. automodule:: childcount.helpers.chw :members: :undoc-members: childcount.helpers.patient ---------------------------- .. automodule:: childcount.helpers.patient :members: :undoc-members: ---------------------------- .. automodule:: :members: :undoc-members: