Source code for libreport.pdfreport

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 coding=utf-8
# maintainer: ukanga

import os
from datetime import datetime
import copy

from django.template import Template, Context
from django.http import HttpResponse

    from reportlab.platypus.flowables import Flowable
    from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
    from reportlab.platypus import BaseDocTemplate, PageTemplate, \
        Paragraph, PageBreak, Frame, FrameBreak, NextPageTemplate, Spacer, \
    from reportlab.platypus import Table as PDFTable, Table
    from reportlab.platypus import TableStyle
    from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_LEFT, TA_CENTER
    from reportlab.lib import colors
    from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4, landscape
    from reportlab.rl_config import defaultPageSize
    from reportlab.lib.units import inch
    from ccdoc.utils import register_fonts

    PAGE_HEIGHT = defaultPageSize[1]
    PAGE_WIDTH = defaultPageSize[0]
except ImportError:

styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
HeaderStyle = styles["Heading1"]
HeaderStyle.fontName = 'FreeSerif'

[docs]def pheader(txt, style=HeaderStyle, klass=Paragraph, sep=0.3): '''Creates a reportlab PDF element and adds it to the global Elements list :param style: can be a HeaderStyle, a ParaStyle or a custom style (default HeaderStyle) :param klass: the reportlab Class to be called, default Paragraph :param sep: space separator height ''' elements = [] s = Spacer(0.2 * inch, sep * inch) elements.append(s) para = klass(txt, style) elements.append(para) return elements
ParaStyle = styles["Normal"] ParaStyle.fontName = 'FreeSerif' """Paragraph Style"""
[docs]def p(txt): '''Create a text Paragraph using ParaStyle''' return pheader(txt, style=ParaStyle, sep=0.0)
PreStyle = styles["Code"] """Preformatted Style"""
[docs]def pre(txt): '''Create a text Preformatted Paragraph using PreStyle''' elements = [] s = Spacer(0.1 * inch, 0.1 * inch) elements.append(s) p = Preformatted(txt, PreStyle) elements.append(p) return elements
[docs]class PDFReport(): '''PDFReport PDFReport Is a class that create table format reports The Title is placed on its own page for the first page usage:: pdfrpt = PDFRrepot() pdfrpt.setLandscape(False) pdfrpt.setTitle("Title") pdfrpt.setTableData(queryset, fields, "Table Title") pdfrpt.setFilename("filename") pdfrpt.setNumOfColumns(2) # for two column setup pdfrpt.render() ''' title = u"Report" pageinfo = "" filename = "report" styles = getSampleStyleSheet() table_style = None data = [] landscape = False hasfooter = False headers = [] cols = 1 PAGESIZE = A4 fontSize = 8 rowsperpage = 90 print_on_both_sides = False firstRowHeight = 0.25 rotateTextFirstRow = False def __init__(self): self.headers.append("")
[docs] def setPrintOnBothSides(self, state): """ :param state: True or False """ self.print_on_both_sides = state
[docs] def setLandscape(self, state): ''' enable or disable landscape display :param state: True or False ''' self.landscape = state
[docs] def setRowsPerPage(self, num): ''' Sets the number of rows per page for Table data :type num: int ''' self.rowsperpage = int(num)
[docs] def enableFooter(self, state): ''' enable formatter for the last row of the table e.g for summaries have bold border lines :type state: True or False ''' self.hasfooter = state
[docs] def setTitle(self, title): ''' :param title: The Report Title ''' if title: self.title = title
def setPageInfo(self, pageinfo): if pageinfo: self.pageinfo = pageinfo
[docs] def setFilename(self, filename): ''' :param filename: filename for the generated pdf document ''' if filename: self.filename = filename
[docs] def setFontSize(self, size): ''' :param size: font-size ''' if size: self.fontSize = size
[docs] def setNumOfColumns(self, cols): ''' :param cols: number of columns ''' if cols: self.cols = cols
[docs] def setPageBreak(self): ''' force/add a page break '''
[docs] def setElements(self, elements): ''' Add elements like paragraphs to the overall data ''' for i in elements:
def setTableStyle(self, ts): self.table_style = ts def getTableStyle(self): if self.table_style: return self.table_style ts = [ ('ALIGNMENT', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 'LEFT'), ('LINEBELOW', (0, 0), (-1, -0), 2,, ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -0), 0.25,, ('LINEBELOW', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 0.8, \ colors.lightgrey), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ('ROWBACKGROUNDS', \ (0, 1), (-1, -1), \ [colors.whitesmoke, colors.white]), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "FreeSerif", self.fontSize)] #last row formatting when required if self.hasfooter is True: ts.append(('LINEABOVE', (0, -1), (-1, -1), 1, ts.append(('LINEBELOW', (0, -1), (-1, -1), 2, ts.append(('LINEBELOW', (0, 3), (-0, -0), 2, ts.append(('LINEBELOW', (0, -1), (-1, -1), 0.8, \ colors.lightgrey)) ts.append(('FONT', (0, -1), (-1, -1), "FreeSerif", 7)) return ts
[docs] def setFirstRowHeight(self, height): '''Set the height of the first row''' self.firstRowHeight = height
def getFirstRowHeight(self): return self.firstRowHeight
[docs] def getRowHeights(self, numOfRows): '''retuns the row heights''' rh = [self.getFirstRowHeight() * inch] numOfRows -= 1 rh.extend(numOfRows * [0.25 * inch]) return rh
def rotateText(self, bl): self.rotateTextFirstRow = bl
[docs] def setTableData(self, queryset, fields, title, colWidths=None, \ hasCounter=False): '''set table data :param queryset: data :param fields: table column headings :param title: Table Heading ''' data = [] header = False c = 0 pStyle = copy.copy(self.styles["Normal"]) pStyle.fontName = "FreeSerif" pStyle.fontSize = 7 pStyle.spaceBefore = 0 pStyle.spaceAfter = 0 pStyle.leading = pStyle.fontSize + 2.8 hStyle = copy.copy(self.styles["Normal"]) hStyle.fontName = 'FreeSerif' #hStyle.fontName = "Arial Narrow-Bold" hStyle.fontSize = 8 hStyle.alignment = TA_CENTER #hStyle.spaceBefore = 0 hStyle.spaceAfter = 0 #pStyle.leading = pStyle.fontSize + 2.8 #prepare the data counter = 0 for row in queryset: counter += 1 if not header: if self.rotateTextFirstRow: hStyle.borderWidth = 0 hStyle.alignment = TA_LEFT hStyle.borderPadding = 5 value = [RotatedParagraph(Paragraph('<b>' + f["name"] + \ '</b>', hStyle), \ self.getFirstRowHeight() * inch, \ 0.25 * inch) \ for f in fields] else: value = [pheader(f["name"], hStyle, sep=0) for f in fields] if hasCounter: value.insert(0, '#') data.append(value) header = True ctx = Context({"object": row}) values = [pheader(Template(h["bit"]).render(ctx), pStyle, sep=0)\ for h in fields] if hasCounter: values.insert(0, counter) data.append(values) if len(data): ts = self.getTableStyle() table = PDFTable(data, colWidths, self.getRowHeights(len(data)), \ style=ts, splitByRow=1) table.hAlign = "LEFT" else:"No Report", self.styles['Normal'])) '''The number of rows per page for two columns is about 90. using this information you can figure how many pages the table is going to overlap hence you place a header/subtitle in that position for it to be printed appropriately ''' c = float(len(queryset)) / self.rowsperpage needsSecondPage = True if int(c) < c: c = int(c) + 1 needsSecondPage = False if int(c) == 0: c = 1 if self.print_on_both_sides is True: if int(c) == 1 or (int(c) % 2) == 1: #take care of headings, do not displace them c = int(c) + 1 needsSecondPage = True for i in range(int(c)): if self.print_on_both_sides is True and needsSecondPage is True \ and i == (int(c) - 1): #empty title to allow blank page title = "" self.headers.append(title) #exit((needsSecondPage, c, self.headers, title, i))
def render(self): filename = self.filename + \"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ".pdf" response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Cache-Control'] = "" response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=%s" % filename elements = [] self.styles['Title'].alignment = TA_LEFT self.styles['Title'].fontName = self.styles['Heading2'].fontName = \ "FreeSerif" self.styles["Normal"].fontName = "FreeSerif" self.styles["Normal"].fontSize = 7 #self.styles["Normal"].fontWeight = "BOLD" #doc = SimpleDocTemplate(filename) #now create the title page elements.append(Paragraph(self.title, self.styles['Title'])) if self.print_on_both_sides is True: elements.append(PageBreak()) self.headers.insert(1, "") #done with the title info, move to the next frame #and queue up the later page template elements.append(FrameBreak()) elements.append(NextPageTemplate("laterPages")) elements.append(PageBreak()) #exit(self.headers) for data in elements.append(data) if self.landscape is True: self.PAGESIZE = landscape(A4) doc = MultiColDocTemplate(response, self.cols, \ pagesize=self.PAGESIZE, allowSplitting=1, \ showBoundary=0) doc.setTitle(self.title) doc.setHeaders(self.headers) #response.write(open(filename).read()) #os.remove(filename) return response # what should appear on the first page def myFirstPage(self, canvas, doc): pageinfo = self.pageinfo canvas.saveState() '''canvas.setFont('Times-Roman',9) canvas.drawString(inch, 0.75 * inch, "Page %d %s" % (, pageinfo)) ''' textobject = canvas.beginText() textobject.setTextOrigin(inch, 0.75 * inch) textobject.setFont("FreeSerif", 9) textobject.textLine("Page %d" % ( textobject.setFillGray(0.4) textobject.textLines(pageinfo) canvas.hAlign = "CENTER" canvas.drawText(textobject) canvas.restoreState() # what to do on other pages def myLaterPages(self, canvas, doc): pageinfo = self.pageinfo canvas.saveState() '''canvas.setFont('Times-Roman',9) canvas.drawString(inch, 0.75 * inch, "Page %d %s" % (, pageinfo)) ''' textobject = canvas.beginText() textobject.setTextOrigin(inch, 0.75 * inch) textobject.setFont("FreeSerif", 9) textobject.textLine("Page %d" % ( textobject.setFillGray(0.4) textobject.textLines(pageinfo) canvas.hAlign = "CENTER"
[docs]class MultiColDocTemplate(BaseDocTemplate): '''A multi column document template''' headers = [] title = u"Report Title Here" def __init__(self, filename, frameCount=1, **kw): '''@FIXME: need to remove frameCount to maintain consistency with BaseDocTemplate constructor and hence find a way to pass frameCount ''' apply(BaseDocTemplate.__init__, (self, filename), kw) self.addPageTemplates(self.firstPage()) frameWidth = (self.width / frameCount) + .85 * inch frameHeight = self.height - .5 * inch frames = [] for frame in range(frameCount): leftMargin = self.leftMargin + frame * frameWidth - .85 * inch column = Frame(leftMargin, self.bottomMargin - .95 * inch, \ frameWidth, frameHeight + 1.75 * inch, leftPadding=1, \ topPadding=1, rightPadding=1, bottomPadding=1) frames.append(column) template = PageTemplate(frames=frames, id="laterPages", \ onPage=self.addHeader) self.addPageTemplates(template) def firstPage(self): style = getSampleStyleSheet() #title page styles titleStyle = style["Title"] titleStyle.fontSize = 40 titleStyle.leading = titleStyle.fontSize * 1.1 #need to copy the object or style changes will # apply to any incarnation of "Normal" subTitleStyle = copy.copy(style["Normal"]) subTitleStyle.alignment = TA_CENTER subTitleStyle.fontName = "FreeSerif" frameHeight = self.height - .5 * inch frameWidth = self.width #title page frames firstPageHeight = 3.5 * inch firstPageBottom = frameHeight - firstPageHeight framesFirstPage = [] titleFrame = Frame(self.leftMargin, firstPageBottom, self.width, \ firstPageHeight) framesFirstPage.append(titleFrame) #columns for the first page firstPageColumn = Frame(self.leftMargin, self.bottomMargin, \ frameWidth, firstPageBottom) framesFirstPage.append(firstPageColumn) return PageTemplate(frames=framesFirstPage, id="firstPage")
[docs] def addHeader(self, canvas, document): ''' display the heading of the page or document ''' canvas.saveState() title = self.getSubTitle( - 1) fontsize = 12 fontname = 'FreeSerif' headerBottom = document.bottomMargin + document.height + \ document.topMargin / 2 bottomLine = headerBottom - fontsize / 4 topLine = headerBottom + fontsize lineLength = document.width + document.leftMargin canvas.setFont(fontname, fontsize) canvas.drawString(document.leftMargin, headerBottom, title) canvas.restoreState()
def getTitle(self): return u"%s" % self.title def setTitle(self, title): if title: self.title = title def getSubTitle(self, pos): try: ''' since subtitles vary from page to page, I pick the relevant title according to the page number ''' return u"%s" % self.headers[pos] except: return u"" def setHeaders(self, headers): self.headers = headers
[docs]class RotatedText(Flowable): '''Rotates text in a table cell.''' def __init__(self, text, *args, **kwargs): Flowable.__init__(self) self.text = text self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def draw(self): canv = self.canv canv.rotate(90) canv.drawString(0, -1, self.text, *self.args, **self.kwargs) def wrap(self, aW, aH): canv = self.canv return canv._leading, canv.stringWidth(self.text, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
[docs]class RotatedParagraph(Flowable): '''Rotates a paragraph''' def __init__(self, paragraph, aW, aH): self.paragraph = paragraph self.width = aW self.height = aH def draw(self): canv = self.canv canv.rotate(90) self.paragraph.wrap(self.width, self.height) #drawOn(canvas, x, y) self.paragraph.drawOn(canv, -(self.width / 2) + 15, -(self.height))
[docs]class ScaledTable(Table): '''Scales a Table''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Table.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.xscale = 0.8 self.yscale = 0.8 def scale(self, x, y): self.xscale = x self.yscale = y def draw(self): canv = self.canv canv.scale(self.xscale, self.yscale) canv.translate(1 * inch, (self._height - (self._height * self.yscale))) Table.draw(self)