Source code for indicator.indicator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 coding=utf-8

import numbers

from percentage import Percentage
from cache import cache_indicator
from query_set_type import QuerySetType

from django.db import connection
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

[docs]class Indicator(object): type_in = None """Type of the data argument to this indicator. Often this will be an instantiated :class:`indicator.query_set_type.QuerySetType` like `QuerySetType(Patient)`. """ type_out = None """The type of the return value of this indicator. Used to figure out whether or not it can be cached. """ slug = None """A machine-friendly identifier string for this indicator, using a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore. """ short_name = None """A short human-readable name for this indicator, like "% FP". """ long_name = None """A long human-readable name for this indicator, like "Percentage of women 15-49 using modern family planning methods. """ cache = True """A boolean indicating whether or not this indicator should be cached. Should be False for indicators with non-pickle-able output values. """ valid_for = 2*60*60 """How long to keep cached values for before expiring them. """ @classmethod def _value(cls, period, data_in): """The main indicator function. :param period: A time period object, with a :meth:`.start` and an :meth:`.end` method, each of which returns a :class:`datetime.datetime` object. :param data_in: The data parameter for this indicator. Often a QuerySet of patients or CHWs or clinics. """ raise NotImplementedError(_("No value method implemented!")) # You shouldn't have implement anything below this line # in your Indicator subclasses... @classmethod
[docs] def input_is_query_set(cls): """True if the input type is a :class:`QuerySet` """ return isinstance(cls.type_in, QuerySetType)
[docs] def output_is_number(cls): """True if the output type is a subclass of :class:`numbers.Number`. """ return issubclass(cls.type_out, numbers.Number)
[docs] def output_is_percentage(cls): """True if the output type is :class:`indicator.percentage.Percentage`. """ return issubclass(cls.type_out, Percentage)
@classmethod def _check_type(cls, expected, value, s): if cls.slug is None: raise ValueError(_("Indicator slug cannot be None")) if expected is QuerySet: raise TypeError(_("Expected %(str)s type cannot be a QuerySet. "\ "Use an indicator.QuerySetType object instead.") % \ {'str': s}) # First, check if we're dealing with a QuerySetType object if isinstance(expected, QuerySetType): if not isinstance(value, QuerySet): raise TypeError(_("Expected %(str)s type %(exp)s but got illegal " \ "%(str)s type %(ill)s!") % \ {'exp': QuerySet, 'ill': type(value), 'str': s}) if value.model is not expected.mtype: raise TypeError(_("Expected %(str)s QuerySet of type %(exp)s but got illegal " \ "%(str)s QuerySet of type %(ill)s!") % \ {'exp': expected.mtype, 'ill': value.model, 'str': s}) # If we don't have a QuerySetType, then just do regular type checking else: if not isinstance(value, expected): raise TypeError(_("Expected %(str)s type %(exp)s but got illegal " \ "%(str)s type %(ill)s!") % \ {'exp': expected, 'ill': type(value), 'str': s}) def __new__(cls, period, data_in): cls._check_type(cls.type_in, data_in, _("input")) print connection.queries data_out = cache_indicator(cls, cls._value, period, data_in) connection.queries = [] cls._check_type(cls.type_out, data_out, _("output")) return data_out
[docs]class IndicatorPercentage(Indicator): """ Subclass of :class:`indicator.indicator.Indicator` for percentage values. You give it the two indicators that make up the numerator and denominator values and it gives you back a :class:`indicator.percentage.Percentage`. """ cls_num = None """The numerator :class:`indicator.indicator.Indicator`""" cls_den = None """The denominator :class:`indicator.indicator.Indicator`""" type_out = Percentage @classmethod def _value(cls, period, data_in): return Percentage(cls.cls_num(period, data_in), cls.cls_den(period, data_in))
[docs]class IndicatorDifference(Indicator): """ Subclass of :class:`indicator.indicator.Indicator` for difference values. You give it the two indicators that make up the numerator and denominator values and it gives you back their difference. """ cls_first = None """The inital :class:`indicator.indicator.Indicator` value""" cls_second = None """The number to subtract from the initial :class:`indicator.indicator.Indicator` value """ @classmethod def _value(cls, period, data_in): if cls.cls_first.type_out != cls.cls_second.type_out: raise TypeError(_("Cannot compute difference of indicators "\ "with unequal types!")) return (cls.cls_first(period, data_in) - cls.cls_second(period, data_in))