Source code for childcount.tasks

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 coding=utf-8
# maintainer: katembu


from operator import attrgetter
from itertools import groupby

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, activate

from dateutil import relativedelta
from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime, time

from celery.decorators import periodic_task
from celery.schedules import crontab

from childcount.models import ImmunizationSchedule, ImmunizationNotification
from childcount.models import Patient
from childcount.models import CHW
from childcount.models import FeverReport
from childcount.models import NutritionReport
from childcount.models import PregnancyReport
from childcount.models import FollowUpReport
from childcount.models import AppointmentReport
from childcount.models import DangerSignsReport

import childcount.helpers.chw
from childcount.helpers import ranking

from childcount.indicators import message

from alerts.utils import SmsAlert

class NowPeriod(object):
    end =
    start = + timedelta(days=-30)
    title = "Past 30 Days"

@periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=16, minute=30, day_of_week=0))
[docs]def weekly_immunization_reminder(): """ Send SMS to CHW to remind them their immunization appointments, using the format: [Immunization type] date: patient_id, patient_id | date: patient_id... """ # get this week appointements, grouped by CHW today = in_one_week = today + relativedelta.relativedelta(weeks=1) imms = ImmunizationNotification.objects.filter(notify_on__gte=today, notify_on__lte=in_one_week, \ patient__status=Patient.STATUS_ACTIVE)\ .order_by('patient__chw') chws = groupby(imms, attrgetter('patient.chw')) # send an sms to each CHW for chw, imms in chws: msg = [] # group notifications by immunization types imms = groupby(imms, attrgetter('immunization')) for imm, notifications in imms: # sort then group notifications by dates notifications = sorted(notifications, key=attrgetter('notify_on')) dates = groupby(notifications, attrgetter('notify_on')) # format id and dates schedules = [] for date, ids in dates: ids = ', '.join(str(n.patient.health_id.upper()) for n in ids) schedules.append('%s: %s' % (date.strftime('%d-%m-%y'), ids)) #join dates together, then immunizations together ans send the SMS msg.append((imm, ' | '.join(schedules))) msg_to = ' '.join('[%s] %s' % (imm, dates) for imm, dates in msg) alert = SmsAlert(reporter=chw, msg=msg_to) sms_alert = alert.send() = u"weekly_immunization_reminder"
@periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=7, minute=0))
[docs]def daily_fever_reminder(): """ Daily reminder of Fever followup cases after 48 hours. """ sdate = + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-3) #sdate = datetime.combine(, time(7, 0)) edate = + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-2) #edate = datetime.combine(, time(7, 0)) frs = FeverReport.objects.filter(encounter__encounter_date__gte=sdate, \ encounter__encounter_date__lte=edate, \ rdt_result=FeverReport.RDT_POSITIVE, \ encounter__patient__status=Patient.STATUS_ACTIVE)\ .order_by('encounter__chw') current_reporter = None data = {} for report in frs: fup = FollowUpReport.objects\ .filter(encounter__patient=report.encounter.patient, \ encounter__encounter_date__gt=report.encounter.encounter_date) if fup: continue if not current_reporter or current_reporter != report.encounter.chw: current_reporter = report.encounter.chw data[current_reporter] = [] _msg = "%s +U F" % report.encounter.patient data[current_reporter].append(_msg) print current_reporter, _msg for key in data: msg = ', ' . join(data.get(key)) alert = SmsAlert(reporter=key, msg=msg) sms_alert = alert.send() = u"daily_fever_reminder"
@periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=7, minute=0)) def daily_late_fever_reminder(): """ Daily reminder of Fever followup cases after 48 hours. """ sdate = + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-6) #sdate = datetime.combine(, time(7, 0)) edate = + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-3) #edate = datetime.combine(, time(7, 0)) frs = FeverReport.objects.filter(encounter__encounter_date__gte=sdate, \ encounter__encounter_date__lte=edate, \ rdt_result=FeverReport.RDT_POSITIVE, \ encounter__patient__status=Patient.STATUS_ACTIVE)\ .order_by('encounter__chw') current_reporter = None data = {} for report in frs: fup = FollowUpReport.objects\ .filter(encounter__patient=report.encounter.patient, \ encounter__encounter_date__gt=report.encounter.encounter_date) if fup: continue if not current_reporter or current_reporter != report.encounter.chw: current_reporter = report.encounter.chw data[current_reporter] = [] _msg = "Please follow up on %s for fever." % report.encounter.patient data[current_reporter].append(_msg) print current_reporter, _msg for key in data: msg = ', ' . join(data.get(key)) alert = SmsAlert(reporter=key, msg=msg) sms_alert = alert.send() = u"daily_late_fever_reminder" @periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=8, minute=0)) def daily_danger_sign_reminder(): """ Daily reminder of Danger Sign followup cases after 48 hours. Run every 6 hours during the day time. """ sdate = + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-6) #sdate = datetime.combine(, time(7, 0)) edate = + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-2) #edate = datetime.combine(, time(7, 0)) frs = DangerSignsReport.objects.filter(encounter__encounter_date__gte=sdate, \ encounter__encounter_date__lte=edate, \ encounter__patient__status=Patient.STATUS_ACTIVE)\ .order_by('encounter__chw') current_reporter = None data = {} for report in frs: fup = FollowUpReport.objects\ .filter(encounter__patient=report.encounter.patient, \ encounter__encounter_date__gt=report.encounter.encounter_date) if fup: continue if not current_reporter or current_reporter != report.encounter.chw: current_reporter = report.encounter.chw data[current_reporter] = [] _msg = "Please follow up with %(person)s for %(signs)s" % \ {'person': report.encounter.patient, 'signs': report.short_summary()} data[current_reporter].append(_msg) print current_reporter, _msg for key in data: msg = ', ' . join(data.get(key)) alert = SmsAlert(reporter=key, msg=msg) sms_alert = alert.send() = u"daily_danger_sign_reminder" @periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=17, minute=30, day_of_week=0))
[docs]def weekly_muac_reminder(): """ Weekly reminder of due Muac cases, 75 days or over since last chw visit """ data = {} for chw in CHW.objects.all(): # muac_needing is a list of tuples of (Patient, NutritionReport) muac_needing = childcount.helpers.chw.kids_needing_muac(NowPeriod, chw) if len(muac_needing) > 0: data[chw] = [m[0] for m in muac_needing] for chw in data: p_list = data.get(chw) x = 0 y = 20 done = False while not done: current_list = p_list[x:y] if not current_list: done = True break healthids = u' ' . join([i.health_id.upper() for i in current_list]) msg = _(u"The following clients are due for MUAC: %(ids)s") % { 'ids': healthids} x += 20 y += 20 alert = SmsAlert(reporter=chw, msg=msg) sms_alert = alert.send() = u"weekly_muac_reminder"
@periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=17, minute=30, day_of_week=5)) def performance_messages(): """ Run every Friday at 17:30 sending rankings to CHWs on their performance on key indicators. """ indicators = [message.Sms] + list( for ind in indicators: print "Calculating ranks for %s" % ind all_ranks = ranking.compute_rankings(ind) for i, rank_info in enumerate(all_ranks): print "Sending message to %s" % rank_info['chw'] msg = ranking.rank_message(ind, all_ranks, i) alert = SmsAlert(reporter=rank_info['chw'], msg=msg) sms_alert = alert.send() = 'performance_messages' @periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=18, minute=0, day_of_week=0))
[docs]def weekly_anc_visit_reminder(): """ Initial ANC Visit weekly reminder """ p_list = [] alert_list = {} for c in CHW.objects.all(): need_anc = childcount.helpers.chw.pregnant_needing_anc(NowPeriod, c) if len(need_anc) > 0: alert_list[c] = [t[0] for t in need_anc] for chw in alert_list: chw_list = alert_list.get(chw) w = ', ' . join(["%s %s" % (p.health_id.upper(), p.first_name) \ for p in chw_list]) msg = _(u"Remind the following to go for ANC at health center:" \ " %(list)s.") % {'list': w} alert = SmsAlert(reporter=chw, msg=msg) sms_alert = alert.send() = u"weekly_anc_visit_reminder"
[docs]def appointment_calendar(weekday): '''----------- 3 days b4 apt monday 0 wednesday 2 tuesday 1 thursday 3 wednesday 2 friday 4 thursday 3 monday 0 friday 4 tuesday 1 ''' if weekday < 2: return weekday + 3 else: return weekday - 2
[docs]def get_appointment_date( day = appointment_calendar(dt.weekday()) return (dt + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=+3, weekday=day))
@periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=7, minute=30)) def appointment_reminders(): '''Remind the chw to remind their clients of an appointment 3 week days before the date of appointment ''' today = # no appointment reminder over the weekend if today.weekday() > 4: return; apt_date = get_appointment_date(today) if apt_date.weekday() == 0: # just in case there were appointments on saturday or sunday saturday = apt_date + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-2) apts = AppointmentReport.objects.filter(appointment_date__lte=apt_date,\ appointment_date__gte=saturday,\ encounter__patient__status=Patient.STATUS_ACTIVE, \ status=AppointmentReport.STATUS_OPEN) else: apts = AppointmentReport.objects.filter(appointment_date=apt_date, \ encounter__patient__status=Patient.STATUS_ACTIVE, \ status=AppointmentReport.STATUS_OPEN) for apt in apts: msg = _(u"Please send %(patient)s to the health center for their" \ " appointment on %(apt_date)s") % { 'patient': apt.encounter.patient, \ 'apt_date': apt.appointment_date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')} print msg alert = SmsAlert(reporter=apt.encounter.patient.chw, msg=msg) try: sms_alert = alert.send() except: print "Error" else: = u'appointment_report_reminder' apt.sms_alert = sms_alert
[docs]def appointment_defaulter_calendar(weekday): '''------- 2 weekdays after date of apt +-------------------+--------------------+ | **Date of Appt.** | **Reminder** | +-------------------+--------------------+ | Friday 4 | Wednesday 2 | +-------------------+--------------------+ | Thursday 3 | Tuesday 1 | +-------------------+--------------------+ | Wednesday 2 | Monday 0 | +-------------------+--------------------+ | Tuesday 1 | Friday 4 | +-------------------+--------------------+ | Monday 0 | Thursday 3 | +-------------------+--------------------+ ''' if weekday < 3: return weekday + 2 else: return weekday - 3
[docs]def get_appointment_defaulter_date( day = appointment_defaulter_calendar(dt.weekday()) return (dt + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=+2, weekday=day)) \ + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-7)
@periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=8, minute=0))
[docs]def appointment_defaulter_reminders(): """Remind the chw to remind their defaulting clients of an appointment 2 week days after the date of appointment """ today = # no appointment reminder over the weekend if today.weekday() > 4: return; apt_date = get_appointment_defaulter_date(today) if apt_date.weekday() == 4: # just in case there were appointments on saturday or sunday sunday = apt_date + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=2) apts = AppointmentReport.objects.filter(appointment_date__lte=sunday,\ encounter__patient__status=Patient.STATUS_ACTIVE, \ status=AppointmentReport.STATUS_OPEN) else: apts = AppointmentReport.objects.filter(appointment_date__lte=apt_date, \ encounter__patient__status=Patient.STATUS_ACTIVE, \ status=AppointmentReport.STATUS_OPEN) for apt in apts: msg = _(u"Please send %(patient)s to the health center on for their" \ " failed appointment on %(apt_date)s") % { 'patient': apt.encounter.patient, \ 'apt_date': apt.appointment_date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')} print msg alert = SmsAlert(reporter=apt.encounter.patient.chw, msg=msg) try: sms_alert = alert.send() except: print "Error" else: = u'appointment_report_reminder' apt.sms_alert = sms_alert