Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 coding=utf-8

import datetime

from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from childcount.models import Patient

from childcount.indicators import fever
from childcount.indicators import follow_up
from childcount.indicators import nutrition
from childcount.indicators import pregnancy
from childcount.indicators import registration
from childcount.indicators import under_one

[docs]def key_indicators(): return ( nutrition.CoveragePerc, under_one.UnderFiveImmunizationUpToDatePerc, pregnancy.AncFourByMonthEightPerc, follow_up.OnTimePerc, )
[docs]def summary_stats(period): """Calculates a few key indicators for display on the dashboard. :param period: Time period :type period: An object with :meth:`.start` and :meth:`.end` methods that each return a :class:`datetime.datetime` :returns: dict """ patients = Patient.objects.all() return { 'num_mam_sam': nutrition.SamOrMam(period, patients), 'num_rdt': fever.RdtPositive(period, patients), 'num_underfive': registration.UnderFive(period, patients), 'num_patients': registration.Total(period, patients), 'num_households': registration.Household(period, patients), 'num_pregnant': pregnancy.Total(period, patients), }