Source code for childcount.exceptions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 coding=utf-8
# maintainer: dgelvin

"""Standard exceptions used in many
CCForm and CCComand definitions.
It is best to use these exceptions in your
own code so that users get consistent
error messages.

from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

[docs]class CCException(Exception): """General exception extended by all other custom exceptions. """ message = _(u"An error has occured.") """The error message to raise with the exception. """ def __unicode__(self): return self.message
[docs]class InvalidAge(CCException): pass
[docs]class InvalidDOB(CCException): pass
[docs]class AmbiguousAge(CCException): pass
[docs]class NotRegistered(CCException): def __init__(self, message=_(u"Error: You must first be registered.")): self.message = message
[docs]class ParseError(CCException): def __init__(self, message=_(u"FAILED. Unable to understand message. ")): self.message = message
[docs]class BadValue(CCException): def __init__(self, message=_(u"FAILED. Bad value. ")): self.message = message
[docs]class Inapplicable(CCException): def __init__(self, message=_(u"FAILED. Not applicable.")): self.message = message