Source code for childcount.dashboard_sections

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 coding=utf-8
# maintainer: mvpdev

"""Holds view logic for the dashboard.

from django.utils import simplejson
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from childcount.models import Patient
from childcount.indicators import nutrition
from childcount.helpers import site

from reportgen.timeperiods import Month, FourWeeks

[docs]def registration_chart(): """ This method corresponds to the template :file:`dashboard_sections/registration_chart.html` It returns only the data needed to build the chart, which is passed to a javascript object in a JSON string using :func:`simplejson.dumps()`. """ days_past, num_registrations = Patient.registrations_by_date() reg_chart_data = { 'yAxis': _(u"Total Number of Patients"), \ 'xAxis': _(u"Number of days ago"), 'daysPast' : days_past, 'regCount': num_registrations } return simplejson.dumps(reg_chart_data)
[docs]def highlight_stats_bar(): """ Corresponds to template: :file:`dashboard_sections/highlight_stats_bar.html` This :func:`dict` is structured to easily pump into an HTML table. """ return {'titles': [_(u"# of Households"), _(u"# of Patients"), \ _(u"# of Underfives"), _(u"# of Pregnant Women")], \ 'data': [532, 1521, 534, 0] }
[docs]def nutrition_chart(): """Data for a pie chart of nutrition statistics. """ period = FourWeeks.periods()[3] unknown = nutrition.Unknown(period, Patient.objects.all()) healthy = nutrition.Healthy(period, Patient.objects.all()) moderate = nutrition.Mam(period, Patient.objects.all()) nutrition_data_for_dashboard = [[_(u"Unknown"), unknown], \ [_(u"Healthy"), healthy], \ [_(u"Moderate"), moderate]] return simplejson.dumps(nutrition_data_for_dashboard)
[docs]def recent_numbers(): """ Pumps a python :func:`dict` with "columns" and "rows"(&data) which is then turned into a pretty HTML table """ month = Month.periods()[0] last_month = Month.periods()[1] generated_report_data = {'month': site.summary_stats(month), \ 'last_month': site.summary_stats(last_month) } print generated_report_data recent_numbers_columns = [[_(u"This Month (to date)"), 'month'], [_(u"Last Month"), 'last_month']] named_rows = [[_(u"+SAM / MAM"),"num_mam_sam"], [_(u"RDT+"), 'num_rdt']] recent_numbers_data = [] for row in named_rows: row_id = row[1] recent_numbers_data.append([row[0], [generated_report_data[dt[1]][row_id] for dt in recent_numbers_columns]]) return {'columns': [c[0] for c in recent_numbers_columns], 'rows': recent_numbers_data}