Source code for childcount.commands.CCCommand

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 coding=utf-8
# maintainer: dgelvin

"""Module defining ChildCount+ command object."""

[docs]class CCCommand(object): """CCCommand is the abstract base class used to define new SMS commands. Command definitions should inherit from CCCommand, should define KEYWORDS and should implement the `self.process` method. """ KEYWORDS = {} """A dictionary of two-character language codes to a list of keyword names for this command. For example the command "FAMILY" might have a KEYWORDS that looks like:: KEYWORDS = { 'en': ['family', 'fam'], 'fr': ['famille', 'fam'], } """ message = None """The `rapidsms.Message` object that is being processed by this command. """ params = None """A list of parameters to this command -- like the `sys.argv` for a python script. """ def __init__(self, message, params): """Load command data. :param message: The SMS object that called this command :type message: rapidsms.Message :param params: A list of "arguments" to this command (like :attr:`sys.argv`) :type params: list """ self.message = message = self.params = params
[docs] def process(self): """Run the command. You should override this method in your command definition. :returns: True if command is successful (otherwise raises an exception) """ pass